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Re: Befuddled

Poster: Suzanne Metzler <SMETZLER/0002152178@MCIMAIL.COM>

Sue/Tehair wrote:
> Corun wrote:
> <<So don't worry, it's not you, it's just Murphy playing havoc with the
> <<systems again. Or is it Murphy playing with Havoc, Hrodberth's mastiff
> <<puppy, in the system? Cry Havoc, and let drool the dogs of war. Eewwwww.
> -- Its not drool, its water-bearing.

Corun responded:
I reiterate...Eeewwwwww.

> Sue/Tehair (who also lives with Havoc, Mayhem and Hreodbeorht)

<<Sounds like the three extra Horsemen of the Apocolypse. ;-)

That would be....Curly, Larry and Moe?


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