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RE: Fwd: a little history lesson

Poster: E L Wimett <SILVERDRAGON@Charleston.Net>

Well, actually, Mike, it is not an acronym.  The modern form derives from a Middle English form with several different vowel grades which is itself cognate with Middle Dutch "fokken" and several Low German forms.  All of these are almost certainly cognate with the Latin "futuo" so familiar from graffiti of the imperial period and therefore is probably indo-european in origin.

Alisoun the linguist

P. S. For those interested in further research on how close Latin verbiage and euphemisms are to our own in this area, I'd recommend J. N. Adams, The Latin Sexual Vocabulary.  It is by no means the most learned tome on the subjects (one wonders what some of those Germans got up to during the long winter nights between 1850 and 1950!!!), but it has the advantage of requiring no real familiarity with Latin to understand and enjoy. . .

-----Original Message-----
From:	Michael and MJ Houghton [SMTP:herveus@access.digex.net]
Sent:	Tuesday, June 09, 1998 11:51 AM
To:	gbonar@auspex.com
Cc:	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject:	Re: Fwd: a little history lesson

Poster: Michael and MJ Houghton <herveus@access.digex.net>


Gene Bonar wrote:
> The term fuck you is not derived pluck you.  I have not gotten the docs on
> this but have reliable source that say that the word fuck was originally a
> acronym use by police in their reports when referring to public sex. The
> individual was arrested "For Unnatural Carnal Knowledge."  Don't quote me
> on this one yet I still have to pin down the source.
According to my reilable source (the Oxford English Dictionary), the word "fuck"
has been used in the sense of sexual intercourse well into period. The entry
makes no clear claims as to the etymology of the word. 

I have heard tales that justify several acronymic etymologies, including:
"For Unnatural/Unlawful Carnal Knowledge"
"Fornication Under Consent of the King"

As far as I can tell, these are all stories. I'll post a more detailed citation
from the OED if anyone cares to see it.


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