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Poster: Steven Boyd <andrixos@usit.net>

someone wrote:
> Sometimes one almost regrets *not* being in league with the devil... if
> Religion [big "R"] is the alternative.

Let's be careful, folks.  The original incident that prompted this 
thread falls under deceptive business practices or fraud.  By one, 
against one.  However, the way the discussion has snowballed would give 
many good reason to question the "neutrality" of our group and 
membership towards religions of various sorts.  Using a term most likely 
viewed as derogatory by those it describes as the subject header is only 
one of the questionable actions in this discussion.

While the actions of the perpetrator are likely illegal (I am no 
lawyer), if the gist of this thread were put in front of someone 
unfamiliar with us as a group, they could hardly be faulted for thinking 
us at least passively, if not actively, anti-Christian.

I am proud to be a member of such a group that is fact made up of good 
men and women of good (but differing) faith.  Let us maintain our 
commitment to tolerance that has as strong a beacon as our pursuit of 
honor and chivalry.

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