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Re: Is this for real?

Poster: clevin@ripco.com (Craig Levin)


> I received the message below today.  I'm not sure what they propose, but
> I'm fairly sure it can't be for real.
> Does anyone have any ideas what exactly they are selling.  Is it worth it?
> I don't like the idea of our business name being attached to a shady
> undertaking.

I wouldn't touch them. Manorialism only evolved in England
_after_ the Norman Conquest, not before, and these lordships do
not carry a title. See the British Heraldry Archive's website for
more. I can vouch for the guy who runs the site. He's a member of
the Heraldry Society, and both Jaelle and I know that he's in
touch with the English College of Arms. The URL is :


In Service,

Dom Pedro de Alcazar
Barony of Storvik, Atlantia
Storvik Pursuivant
Argent, a tower purpure between 3 bunches of grapes proper

Craig Levin
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