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[Fwd: Battlefield list for Pennsic Book]

I just got this tonight and thought I would pass it on.

Duke Logan

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To All Concerned:

This is the Battlefield Schedule for Pennsic 27as of today 6/14/98.  

All TOURNEMENTS must have a sponsoring SCA group due to insurance regulations.
The sponsor must be a kingdom, principality, barony, or shire/canton.
Sponsors are in ( ).  The only change from the last mailing is the removal of
the Lost Boys Tournament due to the lack of a sponser. 

Remember that the person running the tourney is responsible for set up and
tear down of their area and coordinate marshal and chirurgeon scheduling.

Sun 8/9

11am-12n       Grand Quest Tournament (Middle Kingdom)
11am-1:30pm  Hurling Class & Game (Pennsic A&S)
4pm-?             Dwarves vs Giants (Barony of Carolingia)

Mon 8/10

10am-12n        Opening Ceremonies (tentitive per East and Middle)
2pm-?              10 Man team melee (Barony of Concordia)
4pm-?              Company of St. Michael Pas d'Armes  (East Kingdom)

Tues 8/11

10am-12n          Boar Hunt (Kingdom of Atlantia) location note: WOODS
10am-12n          5 Man Team Melee (Kingdom of Meridies)
12n-2pm            TuChux Charity Tourney (Principality of LocAc)
3:30pm              Field Battle (WAR POINT)
7pm-?               CAMBOK Game (none required, non-fighting event)

Wed 8/12     

10am               Queens' Champions Battle (WAR POINT)
12n                  Chirurgeon Fund Raiser, Drag Race (Chirurgeons)
2pm                  Woods Battle (WAR POINT) location note: WOODS
2pm-?               Grand Fencing Melee (Kingdom of AEthelmearc)

Thurs 8/13

10am-12n          Squires Tourney (Kingdom of Atlantia)
2pm                  Belted Champions Battle (WAR POINT)
2:30pm              UnBelted Champions Battle (WAR POINT)
3:30pm             Maze Battle (WAR POINT)
6:30pm-?          NaDaam Games (none required - non fighting event)

Fri 8/14

10am                Allied Champions Battle (WAR POINT)
11:30am            Archery Champions (WAR POINT) location: ARCHERY RANGE
3:30pm             Bridge Battle (WAR POINT)
6pm-?               MDA Tournament (Barony of Stonemarche)

Sat 8/15

10:30am            Mountain Pass Battle (WAR POINT)
12:30pm            Second Field Battle (WAR POINT)

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