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Stefan's files for July
- To: SCA-Cooks maillist <SCA-Cooks@Ansteorra.org>, Bryn Gwlad maillist <bryn-gwlad@Ansteorra.org>, SCA-Arts maillist <sca-arts@raven.cc.ukans.edu>, Ansteorra maillist <ansteorra@Ansteorra.org>, Atlantia maillist <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>, Artemisia maillist <artemisia@server.umt.edu>, Outlands maillist <outlands@mail.unm.edu>, Caid maillist <sca-caid@galaxy.csuchico.edu>, East maillist <sca-east@world.std.com>, Middle maillist <sca-middle@dnaco.net>, Calontir maillist <calontir@crcvms.unl.edu>, Meridies maillist <meridies@web.ce.utk.edu>, An Tir maillist <steps@antir.sca.org>, Athelmearc maillist <sca-aethelmearc@andrew.cmu.edu>
- Subject: Stefan's files for July
- From: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
- Date: Wed, 17 Jun 1998 08:49:22 -0600
- Cc: "Mark S. Harris (Stefan li Rous)" <stefan@texas.net>
- Organization: Motorola NCSG
- Reply-To: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
- Sender: owner-atlantia@adm.csc.ncsu.edu
Poster: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
Here is a copy of my monthly article for July.
If you are an editor of a local newsletter and wish to be put on the list of
people I mail this article to, around the fifth of each month, please send
me email giving your name, group, email address and newsletter name.
If you have articles that you think would be of interest to folks in other
parts of the Known World, please send them to me for consideration for
adding to this Florilegium. The author keeps the copyright and I will update
or withdraw them upon the authors request.
Please feel free to send this article to those maillists that are closed lists
or that I do not have the addresses for.
A Blending of the Past and Present
Over the past eight years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of
useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and articles submitted
to me by their authors. In order to make this information available to others,
I have placed this information in a series of files I call Stefan’s Florilegium.
Florilegium - (literally, "a gathering of flowers"). In medieval times,
Florilegia were collections of choice tidbits (from Ovid, Aristotle, various
popes, church scholars, etc.) arranged topically. Typically, a florilegium is
huge, encyclopedic, and contains only choice selections from particular works.
Those of you who have World-Wide-Web (WWW) access can get these files at:
A copy of my complete filelist is available in the Important Stuff section
of the website. This filelist or any of my files is also available from me
by email in either Word 6.0 or text formats.
Please be aware that sometimes there is a delay between my announcement of
a new file and it’s becoming available at the website.
Ld. Stefan li Rous (512)892-0036 stefan@texas.net
Ansteorra RSVE60@email.sps.mot.com
Here are the new files for this month:
AS-classes-msg Comments on various A&S classes.
broths-msg Broths in period recipes. Substitutions.
CA-safe-nocks-art Testing HTM Anti-Bounce Back Nocks. by Sir Jon Fitz-Rauf.
candy-msg Period candy. Recipes. Candied fruit peels.
EK-Crwn-Fst-art Details on the EK spring Crown AS 33.
fasts-msg Fasts and fastdays. Food restrictions.
fd-paintings-msg Period paintings that show food items.
stews-bruets-msg Period stews and bruets. Recipes.
wattle-daub-msg Medieval Wattle and Daub construction.
Here are some of the files that have had substantial additions this past month:
beverages-NA-msg Non-alcoholic beverages.
breadmaking-msg Period bread recipes and re-creations.
Europe-msg Medieval points of interest in Europe.
fealty-msg Fealty in SCA and period. Feudalism.
ferrets-msg Ferrets in the SCA.and Middle Ages.
fish-msg Medieval fish dishes. Fish in the SCA.
livestock-msg Medieval livestock. Pigs, cattle, sheep.
London-msg Medieval points of interest in and around London.
magic-moments-msg "Magic moments" experienced in the SCA.
mustard-msg Mustard seed in period. sauces. recipes.
silk-msg Types of silk, silk in the SCA and period.
Copyright 1998, Mark S. Harris, 5628 Wagon Train Rd. Austin TX 78749.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the
contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the publication.
Notification may be by email and changing the format is allowed.
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