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Needlework Night: 5/29/98

Poster: Karen@stierbach.atlantia.sca.org (Larsdatter, Karen )

Greetings, all (and happy St. Anthelm's Day)!

Just a couple of reminders ... the Ponte Alto/Stierbach Needlework 
Nights have been moved to the 1st, 3rd, and 5th Mondays of each 
month.  The topic for the entire summer is the fundamental techniques 
of opus anglicanum.  This Monday's (5/29/98) Needlework Night will be 
"in garb/in persona."

Needlework Nights are still at my home near the border of Ponte Alto 
and Stierbach in Centreville, Virginia, about an hour west of 
Washington, DC.  If you will need directions, please send me an 
e-mail, or better yet, call for directions (our phone number is 

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