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Fw: PLS Forward to Merry Rose

Poster: "Beverly Robinson-Curry" <corvus2@worldnet.att.net>

>Good gentles,
> The Kingdom Chatelain's Office has had a webpage for over a year now at:
> http://members.aol.com/castellan2/
> I welcome any assistance the MoAS Office can offer however.
> In a message dated 10/19/98 7:28:13 AM EST, Karen Larsdatter writes:
> << > I'm not sure if this is the kind of thing that's 'propriate for the 
>  > Kingdom MoAS office ... but I don't see that the Kingdom 
>  > Chatelain's office has a webpage yet ... and it might be a Useful 
>  > Thing for folks who want help with demos ...
>  > 
>  > ... thoughts anyone?
>  > 
>  > Karen Larsdatter >>
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