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RE: What are folks doing for Halloween?

Poster: Karen Marsh-Lovvorn <marshk@ipas.org>

Watching the heroic Celts stomp the evil Romans at Celtic New Years
Massacre, of course!  :-)


> -----Original Message-----
> From:	Andrea Gideon [SMTP:andrea.gideon@erols.com]
> Sent:	Thursday, October 22, 1998 10:02 AM
> To:	atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
> Subject:	Re: What are folks doing for Halloween?
> Poster: "Andrea Gideon" <andrea.gideon@erols.com>
> >
> >Amalie wrote:
> >
> >>What are folks doing for Halloween?
> I'm going to a Halloween party hosted by a work friend.  My husband
> and I
> made a promise to not wear garb to this party.  Every once in a while
> it's
> fun to look at the Xena and Bill Clinton costumes:)
> Giovanna Mancuso
> Andrea
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