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RE: What are folks doing for Halloween?

Poster: Becky McEllistrem <beckymc@MICROSOFT.com>

We're not having a work halloween party because our
company this year decided to have a party earlier - a
medieval THEME party.  I thought this would be kind of
fun.  Then they decided each department would have teams
of people competing in various activities and each dept
should have a prince and a princess with creativity
helping to decide the winner.  Once this idea was presented,
my department head looked at me and said "You know about
all this stuff don't ya?  Why don't you get some costumes
together!"  Each department had their own team colors and
our was - black and gold!  (The irony is so funny!)
12 t-tunics, two surcoat with chemise outfits, and two
full houpelandes (sp?) were made.  Course my department
won but I really don't want to see another piece of black
fabric ever again.  I went through two full bolts+10 yards
more of black fabric! *sigh*  I thought about salvaging the
tunics but they had the departmental logo on them and I'm not
sure anyone wants a tunic that has a great big NCDTA Slayers
logo on the back! Most of the guys wanted to keep theirs for
sentimental reasons anyway.

There's a nack to volunteering which I haven't quite gotten yet. <G>


-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Gideon [mailto:andrea.gideon@erols.com]
Sent: Thursday, October 22, 1998 10:02 AM
To: atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
Subject: Re: What are folks doing for Halloween?

Poster: "Andrea Gideon" <andrea.gideon@erols.com>

>Amalie wrote:
>>What are folks doing for Halloween?
I'm going to a Halloween party hosted by a work friend.  My husband and I
made a promise to not wear garb to this party.  Every once in a while it's
fun to look at the Xena and Bill Clinton costumes:)

Giovanna Mancuso

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