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Crown Tourney/Hafla-Post revel

Poster: "MTR/AAHR" <wolffe@onslowonline.net>

I, for one, would like to thank those who held the Hafla/Post Revel after
Crown Tourney! It was a blast and for me, the highlight of the Event.  I
still wish I had bought another camera, because the rest of my Stronghold,
not to mention friends, will never believe me when I tell them all that went
on there.
 Another highlight for me was finally meeting a gentleman I met on ICQ here,
a fellow Scadian from Ealdomear(sp?), and Toronto, Canada, who made the trip
all the way down to see our Crown Tourney and to meet.  Valizan, I say vivat
to you and your House, and may we meet again soon!
-Wolfe, Raven's Cove

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