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Re: Poeta Atlantiae

Poster: Karen@stierbach.atlantia.sca.org (Larsdatter, Karen )

Lord Ruaidhri an Cu wrote:

> >Does anyone know when the next Poeta Atlantiae shall be
> >chosen?  Though my poetic gifts are not astounding I should
> >like to attempt to compeat for such a post.

to which Wolfe replied:

> Ummm....what's the Poeta Atlantiae???

to which I quote The Great Book of Laws of the Kingdom of 
Atlantia, Appendix F:

The Poeta Atlantiae is selected for excellence in composition of 
poetry in at least two period forms. The Poeta Atlantiae is 
expected to combine excellence in poetic composition with a 
reasonable attempt at authentic period styles, both in material and 
structure. In addition, the Poeta Atlantiae should encourage the 
arts of poetry in Atlantia. Suggested goals are: writing for or about 
the Crown, displaying work at events, sponsoring poetry 
competitions, and teaching at such venues as are available and 

The Poeta Atlantiae will be selected by a competition to take place 
at Spring University or a Kingdom event during the same time 
frame. The competition should be announced by the current Poeta 
Atlantiae in The Acorn at least twice before the competition takes 
place. The current Poeta Atlantiae, in conjunction with the Crown, 
will set the details of the competition and judging standards. 
Judges should be drawn from the following: [1] The Crown or their 
proxy, [2] the Heirs or their proxy, [3] the Kingdom MoAS or proxy, 
and [4] the Poeta Atlantiae. Additional judges may be chosen at 
the discretion of the Poeta Atlantiae; in no case should there be 
fewer than three judges. The judges should prepare a ranked list of 
three finalists, including a list of all competitors and comments, to 
present to the Crown and the Heirs. From that list, the Royalty will 
select a new Poeta Atlantiae.

(Jeepers, doesn't anyone read the Great Book of Laws these 
days?)  ;)

The Spring session of the University of Atlantia hasn't yet been 
officially scheduled, but the time frame is something like February 
or March, and the location will probably be in the southern reaches 
of Atlantia.

Yours in Service to the Dream,

Karen Larsdatter
  Deputy Kingdom Minister of Arts and Sciences
  Chronicler for the Barony of Stierbach
  Editor of the Gusti i Fatti di Ponte Alto
  Host of the Interbaronial Needlework Nights
Too Busy to Write Anything Much Longer than a Haiku These Days
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