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Windmaster's Hill Baronial Championships Court Report

Poster: "Angela K. Pincha" <angela@ascc01.ascc.lucent.com>

Warm wishes and greetings to all that read this from Lady Mordeyrn
Tremayne on behalf of Their Royal Majesties Anton & Luned!

On the twenty-first day of November, AS XXXIII, Her Royal Majesty Luned,
held court in the lands known as Attillium upon the occasion of the
event Windmaster's Hill Baronial Championships. The following business
was conducted:

Award of Arms          Shamus O'Neill
Award of Arms          Bonne of Buckston
Award of Arms          Simonis Branas
Delivery of Award of Arms Scroll to Lord Daemon Broussard
Delivery of Award of Arms Scroll to Lord Antonio Galileo da Milan

At the request of Queen Luned, a Sea Urchin was given to Stephanie
O'Reilly by Their Excellencies Wulfbrand & Aileen, Baron & Baroness of
Windmaster's Hill, as Stephanie was working hard in a kitchen no where
near the court site, had to be found and arrived after Her Royal Majesty
had departed.

This report is complete to the best of my knowledge. If something is
missing, please let me know. If there is a name spelled wrong, please
let me know that too!

In Service to Crown and Kingdom!

Written and sent on this twenty-second day of November, AS XXXIII being
Gregorian 1998.
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