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Re: Which Atlantian Knights are the 7 Dwarves?!?

Poster: "David Ritterskamp" <jonnyb70@hotmail.com>

[Since Daffyth segued so smoothly into the subject of additional dwarf 

Sloppy (bossed Gloppy, Drippy, Scuzzy, and Slimy around)
Gropy  (dated Floozy)
Gloppy  (see Sloppy)
Drippy  (now you know why the plumbing didn't work)
Dippy  (usu. to be found around Whiny)
Snazzy  (one of the ones with taste)
Scuzzy  (see Sloppy)
Slimy  (see Sloppy)
Grimy  (the only one that actually worked for a living)
Whiny  (the reason Grumpy was...well, Grumpy)
Shiny  (the other one with taste)
Doozy  (nobody was quite sure what he did but it was ALWAYS a ...oh, you 
Floozy (she had a room to herself)
Dropsy (close relative of Sleepy)
Mopsy  (at least cleaned up around the cave)

Oh, wait, those last two are Beatrix Potter's!  Sorry...


Ld. Jonathan Blackbow
Clan O'Shannon
"Good...bad...I'm the guy with the gun."
-Bruce Campbell, "Evil Dead III: Army of Darkness"

>Poster: David KUIJT <kuijt@umiacs.umd.edu>
>On Fri, 20 Nov 1998, Melissa wrote:
>> >Grumpy
>> >Sleepy
>> >Dopey
>> >Sneezy
>> >Happy
>> >Doc
>> >
>> >and Thorin Oakenshield.  I can't remember the seventh.  Lucky?  
>> >Horny?  Goofy? (no, that was a dog...)  I just can't recall...
>> Bashful.. :)
>Ah, that's right!  No wonder I didn't remember it.  Well, I certainly
>don't have to worry about being described as the quintessence of THAT
>Actually, I think Stinky, Horny, Surly, and Rude are good names for
>dwarves, but Walt Disney would probably never go for it. 
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