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Re: Making Tudor Canon Question

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

gregory.stapleton@funb.com wrote:
> Poster: gregory.stapleton@funb.com
> Got this off Rec.Crafts.Metalworking.  I was under the impression that this
> would have been cast....Anyone know?  Can you supply sources?
> Thank you,
> Gawain Kilgore


Charles Ffloulkes not only wrote a book on Armourers when he was
Master of the Armouries at the Tower, he also wrote the following:

The Gun-Founders of England - With a List of English and Continental
Gun-Founders from the XIV to the XIX Centuries, by Charles Ffoulkes,
C.B., O.B.E.  Officer of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem.  Hon.
D.Litt. Oxon., F.S.A., F.R.S.A.  Master of the Armouries, Tower of
London, with a preface by Lord Cottesloe, C.B., V.D.
Cambridge, at the University Press 1937.

Even though this book was written before the raising of the Mary Rose
it covers cannon from the Mary Rose. There are a number of illustrations
in it that are drawn from Denis Diderot's A Pictorial Encyclopedia of
Trades and Publications, which cover a number of the processes of
making cannons during the later 18th C. in France in detail. Diderot
is available in two volumes of illustrations from Dover.

Gun-Founders of England is available through BiblioFind although you
may not be terribly enthused with the prices. It seems to be a single
printing and averages $100-185. Since I recently bought one for $40
I was curious as to its value. However I imagine it could be ILL'd.
Gunfounding is also covered in the following books:

Biringuccio's Pirotechnia (1540) Bang on for date.

Theophilus' Divers Arts describes Bellfounding from which gunfounding
  was evolved.

A History of Technology by Singer covers gunfounding in Volume III.

Daumas' History of Technology and Invention covers it to a lesser
   degree in Volume II.

Roundshot and Rammers by Harold L. Peterson discusses the artillery
   used in the Colonies by the various powers of Europe from the
   earliest days.

Leonardo Da Vinci has designs for a variety of cannon and in fact
   started as a bellfounder.

Clubs to Cannon by O.F.G. Hogg discusses the evolution of cannon and
   gunpowder to some degree.

The cannon for the Golden Hinde reproduction were cast by Cliff 
Matthews of the Isle of Wight, who specialises in the reproductions
of period cannon and has supplied cannon for Carrisbrooke Castle.
"A master plug or cast is the first stage in manufacture. The Foundry
then uses the plug to make a mould in which the cannon are cast."
Depictions of the modern moulds are in _The Golden Hinde_ copyright
Golden Hinde Ltd. (no author or publisher specified), an exhibition

Pictures of the cannon of the Mary Rose may be found in the following

National Geographic May 1983, "The Search for the Mary Rose"

The Mary Rose - The Excavation and Raising of King Henry VIII's
Flagship, by Margaret Rule, Windward, 1982.

How We Found the Mary Rose, by Alexander McKee 1982 St. Martin's Press.

M. Magnus Malleus, Atlantia, GDH

Note - I don't have access to rec.crafts.metalworking thru NCSU.

The Mary Rose (Exhibition Catalog), 1985, Mary Rose Trust.

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