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Re: No more Pollings!

Poster: barondonal@juno.com (Jeb B Raitt)

I wish to express my concurrence with Duke Richard.

Baron Donal Mac Ruiseart

On Tue, 5 Jan 1999 05:27:29 -0500 "Jeffrey C. Sussman"
<JSussman@erols.com> writes:
>Greetings from Richard!
>In my opinion, verbal pollings are a bad idea.  Verbal pollings 
>poll the members of an order who happen to be at some event.  This
>disenfranchises the members who don't happen to be at that event and 
>them of their one "right" as member of the order, which is the right 
>advise the Crowns on any potential candidate.  I also believe this 
>an explicit responsibility on the parts of the Crown to read all 
>responses, but I digress.
>I don't believe that current system of pollings is broken.  Much of 
>current confusion is based on an unwarranted desire for a clear and
>consistent description (a checklist even) of what it takes to be in an
>If we, instead, accept that each member of an order has a slightly 
>yard stick by which they measure candidates and each set of royalty 
>has yet
>another yard stick and that decisions are made in an unequal 
>combination of
>all these opinions (since the Crowns make the final decisions) we 
>don't have
>a problem.
>There is no objective standard.  The standards are based on the 
>opinions of
>the people involved.  We could get into a discussion about consensus
>building, campaigning and information distribution but again I 
>"Consistency is the hobgoblin of little minds"  (Who wrote that?  And, 
>did I
>quote it right?)
>Richard Fitzgilbert

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