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Ymir- Waivers!!!
Poster: "Mohajerin, Leila" <mohaj001@onyx.dcri.duke.edu>
Tourney of Ymir is coming! Pack your bags and gear...but don't forget
your membership card!!!
If you don't have proof of a signed waiver on file in Milpitas
(membership card), we will ask you to sign a waiver at the Gate.
If you are a MINOR, and are not arriving with your parent or legal
guardian, you will need to bring a signed (by your parent or legal
guardian) waiver from home! If you do not have one with you, you will
NOT be allowed on site!
This is Kingdom policy, regardless of how it is enforced elsewhere.
So...get your forms from http://acorn.maxson.com/forms-waiv.htm
or write me and I will send you one.
Adults without memberships may also bring a signed waiver with them to
speed things up at the Gate!
For more information on the Tourney of Ymir, Feb. 13th (hosted by the
Barony of Windmasters' Hill in central North Carolina) please visit our
website at http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/8991
Thank you all,
Sveva la Luccola
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