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Re: [gdh] Splat a Rat!

Poster: "H L. Falls" <hlf@holmes.acc.virginia.edu>

   How about a weasel?  (Think red-brown wild ferretish beast that can 
do a *lot* of damage in a hurry if it gets into the hen house...)

> Poster: Karen Marsh-Lovvorn <marshk@ipas.org>
> Please don't splat any ferrets, even fake ones!  We ferret owners have
> enough trouble convincing people they're not wild animals, ready to
> attack at the least provocation!  Even though they're more "period" than
> mongoose(s)?  mongeese? - the ferret community has worked very hard for
> a very long time to get them equal rights with dogs,cats & other house
> pets.  Having a "ferret" jumping out & traumatizing some poor kid would
> surely be bad form! 
> Thanks!
> Kateryn
> (who has 7 of the beasties & used to run a ferret rescue)
> > >> 
> > >> No I must try it sounds fun ! I think we'd have to change it to
> > ferret or
> > >> something no Mongooses here !
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