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Re: Web Ministers

Poster: Beth Morris <bmorris@access.digex.net>

JBRMM266@aol.com wrote:
> Poster: JBRMM266@aol.com
> One thought that occurred to me was to call them "websters"
> This led me to wonder if the name was originally an avocational name ... were
> the original Websters makers of nets, perhaps?  If so, that would make it all
> the more appropriate.

Actually, if memory serves, Webster is the feminine of "weaver" (just
like Brewer/Brewster, Baker/Baxter).  So it's not far off, even if the
gender is a little funky. 

(And when, chronologically, different cultures start/stop using names
that are the *current* vocation is a whole 'nother can of worms!)

Bess Brewster
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