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Just when you thought it was safe...

Poster: Aedan Aylwyn <aedan@mindspring.com>

Just when you thought it was safe to go back out on the Rapier field...

Friday morning at this upcoming Gulf Wars shall be the
scene of great mayhem, confusion and fun as Baron Aedan
Aylwyn of Atlantia and Don Horoun ibn Khalid abd ar-Rahman
of Ansteorra co-sponsor the first ever Rapier Twister
Tournament.  Who's (dare we say it?) "twisted" idea was this
anyway, you ask?  We won't tell.  Show up early and avoid
the rush.  Fight with your friends for those choice front row seats.

And most of all, prepare to have fun!

One set of (possible) rules are already posted on the Gulf Wars site.
To find out how we're really going to do it, we'll see you there.

In joyful service,

Baron Aedan Aylwyn, Provost                     Baron of Caer Mear
Academie D'Espee                        Kingdom of Atlantia
WWW: http://www.aclltd.com/~academie    Email: aedan@mindspring.com
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