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Prinicipality Meeting after Coronation
Poster: "Jennifer Thies" <jthies@umuc.edu>
Posted with the Permission from Her Excellency, Baroness Ekaterina.
Please read thru to the end. These were private replies to me when I
asked the same question a few weeks ago on the Prinicpality list. I
believe Her Excellency said it best.
In Service,
It would have been a wonderful idea to have held the meeting in
Caer Mear. Back in the fall I sent out word to everyone on the
Principality list asking if they had sites for future meetings. I had
been told by Count Thorbrandr that Lord Bryce de Byram had suggested
that he had such a site in Caer Mear and would host such a meeting if we
so desired.
I'm afraid that all progress went to its knees after that. Only
one person responded to my call for assistance in locating sites for the
meetings, Baroness Kiri of Dun Carraig. Lord Bryce did not respond to
any of my messages and, when pressed, other folks indicated they had no
desire to drive "all that way" for a meeting. I found that to be most
true when we met at a site in Stierbach - the same site , same day as
His highnesses fighter practice.
So, while I agree wholeheartedly with you - yes, it would be
terrific to meet in Caer Mear after Coronation - I fear, unless you have
a site in mind and a date and it meets the requirements (Free, seats
50-100 people, has decent acoustics or a dais/stage for the steering
committee) you won't see many meetings, if any, in Caer Mear.
While it appears that folks want Caer Mear involved it also
appears that they can't bring themselves to drive the extra hour to go
there for a meeting. I sincerely hope that it was only a few 'squeaking
wheels' spouting off and not a larger consensus of opinion. Personally
- I like the folks in Caer Mear, I've always been treated well when
attending events in Caer Mear. Thus, Caer Mear's good enough for me -
so if I can swing a meeting down there, well, I'm off to Caer Mear.
In service and occasional frustration,
Ekaterina, finder of meeting sites for future principality
An addendum:
In regards to this same subject Lady Eadan of Caer Mear, who forwarded
the note from Windmaster's Hill, has responded to my reply and is
checking with several gentlemen about meeting sites in the Caer Mear
area. I see this as a positive sign from Caer Mear and I would ask that
you add the disclaimer to the message that "There are interested parties
in Caer Mear who, as a result of comments on the Merry Rose, are looking
for sites in the Richmond area for future meetings. Should anyone from
'down South' want further information, maps, directions or other
information they should feel free to contact me. We are not trying to
hide these meetings or make them inconvenient - however, resources are
limited and consequently we make do with what we can find."
I have this insane desire to quote from an out of period
source..."Please, sir, may I have some more.....(sites)".
I thank you for listening to my tirade.
Still diligently seeking sites, I remain,
Baroness of Bright Hills
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