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Interested in teaching a class at Pennsic War 28?

Poster: PW 28 Media Relations <pw28media@minstrel.com>

Interested in teaching a class at Pennsic War 28?

Submit your teaching application on-line at the Pennsic War 28 web site:

OR, submit a written application to: PW28 Classes Coordinator: Dame Alys
Katherine [Elise Fleming], 3950 Walter Road, North Olmsted, OH 44070-2111
USA. alysk@ix.netcom.com

Submission deadline is May 15; after that date registrations will continue
to be accepted as long as space is available.

Please send the following information about yourself and your class:
1) modern and SCA names and preferred SCA title (e.g., Lord/Lady,
2) mailing address and telephone number
3) e-mail address
4) kingdom of residence
5) expected date of arrival at Pennsic.
6) the title of the class
7) a brief description; length of class
8) size limit, and fees, if any
9) preferred date and time to teach, if any
10) any other information I should know such as "Avoid conflict with field
battle", "Need access to firepit/electricity/water", "Prefer to teach in my

Class topics may be varied but should concern the medieval or renaissance
world or the Society for Creative Anachronism as an organization and should
represent those cultures and time periods that had contact with the Western
World. It is tradition to not charge for teaching, but you may request a fee
to cover materials.

Classes begin on Wednesday, August 11, and end on Friday, August 20.  Prior
to War Week classes will be on an abbreviated schedule.  From Monday, August
16, classes will begin at 9 a.m. and most will end at 6 p.m.

Teaching submissions will be confirmed by email (or post) by the Class
Coordinator and clarification will be requested if necessary. In late June
or early July, you will receive final confirmation by e-mail post with all
the particulars concerning your schedule and on-site teaching registration.

If you have any questions, please contact the Class Coordinator Dame Alys

Pennsic War 28 Media Relations Office 

List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org