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Passage to the East

Poster: tony toich <ttoich@spider.csd.sc.edu>

Unto the members of the Merry Rose,

   Sir Aelfred of Cres sends greetings.  On the weekend of April 9th, the 
Canton of Falcon Cree is hosting Passage to the East: The English 
Anarchy.  The day's activities include enough fighting to satisfy even 
the stoutest of hearts.  The scenario includes a series of castle and 
town battles.  As such, the scenario will be very marshal intensive.  As 
the MIC, I am trying to recruit enough marshals so that each will be able 
to fight for half the day and marshal for the other half.  If you are a 
warranted marshal, or a marshal in training, interested in helping, and 
plan on attending this outstanding event, please contact me privately.
    But wait there's more.  For all you good gentles who do not fight, 
but would still like to influence the outcome of the war, I have need of 
battlefield heralds.  You will be responsible for negotiating the release 
of knights captured by the opposition and attempting to convince the 
enemy to join your side.  You don't need to be a herald to sign up, but I 
think this is a rare opportunity for heralds to practice their trade on 
the battlefield.  Again respond privately.
    Thank you for your attention.  I hope to see you at the event.

In service,
    Aelfred of Cres
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