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Stefan's files for April.
- To: SCA-Cooks maillist <SCA-Cooks@Ansteorra.org>, Bryn Gwlad maillist <bryn-gwlad@Ansteorra.org>, SCA-Arts maillist <sca-arts@raven.cc.ukans.edu>, Ansteorra maillist <ansteorra@Ansteorra.org>, Atlantia maillist <atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>, Artemisia maillist <artemisia@server.umt.edu>, Outlands maillist <outlands@mail.unm.edu>, East Kingdom maillist <sca-east@indra.com>, Middle maillist <sca-middle@midrealm.org>, Calontir maillist <calontir@crcvms.unl.edu>, Meridies maillist <ty@reashelm.ce.utk.edu>, An Tir maillist <steps@antir.sca.org>, Lochac maillist <lochac@sca.org.au>, Athelmearc maillist <sca-aethelmearc@andrew.cmu.edu>, Atenveldt maillist <atenveldt@lists.primenet.com>, "Caid maillist (via Edward Long-hair)" <hairy@sloth.southern.co.nz>, "West maillist (via Baroness Christy)" <baronesschristy@usa.net>, "Mark S. Harris (Stefan li Rous)" <stefan@texas.net>
- Subject: Stefan's files for April.
- From: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
- Date: Wed, 31 Mar 1999 21:18:44 +0000
- Organization: Motorola NCSG
- Reply-To: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
- Sender: owner-atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
Poster: "Mark.S Harris" <rsve60@email.sps.mot.com>
This is a copy of my monthly article for April 1999 describing what has been
added to my Florilegium.
If there are any editors out there who are not on my editors list that would
like to receive this article on a monthly basis on the fifth of the month
instead of near the end for republication in SCA newsletters just send me email.
Please send me your name, email address, group name and newsletter name.
If anyone has comments, suggestions or critisims about the Florilegium, please
send these also. It is often difficult to know where and how it is being used
and where it might be improved.
Also, the number of and the message volume of the SCA-related mail lists has
enormously in the past few years. I can only monitor a few. If anyone sees a
of messages that they think would be a good addition to the Florilegium,
feel free to send them to me. I can send some guidelines on what kinds of
I am looking for and how best to send them to me to those who are interested.
I will give credit to anyone who forwards messages to me if I add them to the
A Blending of the Past and Present
Over the past eight years in an ongoing effort, I have been collecting bits of
useful information from various newsgroups, mail lists and articles submitted
to me by their authors. In order to make this information available to others,
I have placed this information in a series of files I call Stefan’s Florilegium.
Those of you who have World-Wide-Web (WWW) access can get these files at:
A copy of my complete filelist is available in the Important Stuff section
of the website. This filelist or any of my files is also available from me
by email in either Word 6.0 or text formats.
Please be aware that often there is a delay between my announcement of
a new file and it’s becoming available at the website.
Ld. Stefan li Rous (512)892-0036 stefan@texas.net
Ansteorra RSVE60@email.sps.mot.com
Here are the new files for this month:
lea-bottles-msg Leather bottles and jacks. Making them.
under COMBAT:
Fightng-Small-art "Fighting for those of Small Stature"
by Centurion Romanius Vesperanius.
Armenia-TL-art "Medieval Armenia and Cilicia Timeline"
by Keran Roslin.
under FEASTS:
BC-Delftwood-art Baronial Championship feast for Delftwood.
Maidens-Fest-art Festival of Maidens. Middle Kingdom. 1999.
under FOOD:
fruit-melons-msg Period melons. Referances. Recipes.
frumenty-msg A period cooked grain dish, often barley.
garum-msg Roman fish sauce made from fermented fish.
murri-msg Rotted barley paste condiment of Arabia.
polenta-msg Period polenta. Wheat and maize polenta.
merch-cookbks-msg Merchants selling period cookbooks.
Bardic-Guide-art "An Unofficial Newcomers Guide to Bardic
Circles and Competitions" by Pamela
Hewitt, the Harper.
Persona-Build-art "Building A Persona"
by Pamela Hewitt, the Harper.
icons-msg Period religious icons. Referances.
Anst-sword-msg Histories of the Ansteorran Sword of State.
mailng-scrols-msg Advice on shipping scrolls through the mail.
wax-tablets-msg Use and making of period wax tablets.
p-x-stitch-art "Cross Stitch Embroidery in the Middle Ages
and Renaissance" by Karen Larsdatter.
Copyright 1999, Mark S. Harris.
Permission to reprint in SCA-related publications is hereby granted if the
contents are left unchanged and the author is notified of the publication.
Notification may be by email and reformating is allowed.
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