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Hofla in June
- To: "'Adendra'" <adendra@charleston.net>, "'Woodrow Hill'" <asim@mindspring.com>, "'Merry Rose'" <Atlantia@atlantia.sca.org>, "'Gail Gray'" <blkswan@concentric.net>, "'Corwyn Woodward'" <Corwynwdwd@aol.com>, "'Vicky Lovelace'" <cvlovelace@worldnet.att.net>
- To: "'Donn Hebel'" <donn@emeraldis.com>, "'Ealdreth'" <ealdreth@altavista.net>, "'Lord Eldred Aefanwald'" <eldred@concentric.net>, "'Elrick'" <elrickwhitewolf@hotmail.com>, "'Eric Campbell'" <EricC@mvmills.com>, "'Baron Astil'" <fal_cree@mindspring.com>
- To: "'Falcon Cree'" <flacon-cree@egroups.com>, "'George Condon'" <gwcjr@cchat.com>, "'Rob Cavenaugh'" <hideifyouwill@hotmail.com>, "'Andrea Smith'" <ingvar10@hotmail.com>, "'Jill Willis'" <jillwillis@yahoo.com>, "'Betsy'" <ladyjeep1@aol.com>
- To: "'Lisa Kendrick'" <lisak@emeraldis.com>, "'Melody'" <Mello1@hotmail.com>, "'Marcus/Octavius'" <mkiddkool@hotmail.com>, "'Denise Cavanaugh'" <mpercavail@hotmail.com>, "'MaryLou Wilson'" <MWilson@tosync.com>, "'Nottinghill Coill'" <nottinghill-coill@egroups.com>
- To: "'Carl and Patty Buckner'" <ruluckytoo@duesouth.net>, "'Daniel and Christy Rush'" <RushFromSC@webtv.net>, "'Shimmy'" <shimmy@gate.tryllium.com>, "'Christian Logan'" <sparky@emeraldis.com>, "'Terri Morris'" <terrimorris@kemet.com>, "'Tracy'" <tinhuviel@earthling.net>
- To: "'Valerie Bergeron'" <valgypsy@dialpoint.net>, "'Wendy'" <winnifox@usa.net>, "'Beth and Mark'" <woodfairy@juno.com>, "'Wynnie'" <xenadrum@yahoo.com>
- Subject: Hofla in June
- From: Missy Walters <missy@greenwood.net>
- Date: Sat, 1 May 1999 07:23:09 -0400
- Reply-To: Missy Walters <missy@greenwood.net>
- Sender: owner-atlantia@csc.ncsu.edu
Poster: Missy Walters <missy@greenwood.net>
Sponsored by: The Members of House Tieglion Ban & Hebel's Herbs n' Things
Hebel's Herbs n' Things, Saluda, SC
July 11, 12, & 13
Come and Join us! The heat of a South Carolina summer could possibly be compared to the heat of the desert, so why not take advantage of it! Join us for a day in the Middle East! Throughout the day there will be activities and classes planned in Middle Eastern past times and artistry. We plan a mehendi party for Friday night for those who wish to come in early. On Saturday, classes on Middle Eastern dance and drum, "no hassle" tassels, Tribal costuming and makeup, turban wrapping, beginner Zills, Middle Eastern food, and shisha mirror embroidery, to name a few, will be offered throuout the day.
An exchange of information on all things Middle Eastern is planned as well, so bring your resources and photocopies to share, any Middle Eastern music you may have to share and blank tapes to improve your own collection! If you have any Middle Eastern garb you wish to trade with others who may have the same, bring that as well! Bring your Middle Eastern books for a weekend library for all to enjoy! (be sure to mark your name in them to be sure to get them back!)
Following all of this fun and learning, we will all sit down to enjoy an outdoor authentic Middle Eastern feats prepared by our own Lady Rowen the Shiftless, and will include many sumptuous dishes to tempt the most discerning of pallets. Bring carpets and pillows to sit on, as the feast will be served in the Middle Eastern fashion, on low tables, as we are seated on the floor. Higher tables and chairs will be available for those with physical concerns about sitting on the ground to dine. (Please let us know with your reservation if you require these accommodations.)
When the sun goes down, and the night descends upon us, a bonfire with as much dancing and drumming as we can stand is planned. Here we will exhibit all we have learned throughout the day and have a great time doing it.
The swimming pool will be open all weekend, so bring your suits and towels. Swim at your own risk, no life guard will be on duty.
All we ask is a small fee of $5 with your reservation to help cover the cost of the feast. And warm bodies to come and enjoy! We do apologize, but we must have the fee with the reservation to allow you on board, for we are not subsidized by any group other than ourselves.
Camping is available and very welcome.
The site is wet. BYOB
Merchants are very welcome as well. Middle Eastern wares are preferred, but not mandatory.
Please make an attempt at Middle Eastern garb in keeping with the spirit of the day.
If you would like to teach a class, please feel free! The more the merrier! Contact the reservations to arrange it!
Reservations: Missy Walters, 716 Stanley Ave. Apt 13, Greenwood, SC, 29649, (864)227-0751, missy@greenwood.net
Remember, a paid reservation is a made reservation!
Directions: From the north such as Greenville: get on Hwy 25 S towards Greenwood follow thru Greenwood towards Edgefield
just out of Greenwood take a LEFT onto Hwy 178 towards Saluda go appoximately 25 miles and look for sign "HEBEL'S HERBS-N-THINGS" it will be on the RIGHT.
Coming from points SW such as Augusta or Aiken get on I 20 towards Columbia OR Coming from points SE such as Columbia or Charelston get on I 20 towards Augusta take Exit 39 (Hwy 178) towards Batesburge follow 178 thru Batesburge to Saluda go to 3rd stop light turn LEFT onto Hwy 178 towards Greenwood go exactly 4 miles and look for sign "HEBEL'S HERBS-N-THINGS" will be on the LEFT
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