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War and the Reign

Poster: The Davidsons <paradox@gamewood.net>

Fair cousins of Atlantia and dear friends - Let me tell the story of how my
feet were set on the path of becoming a bard - many years ago in the outside
world there was a war in the Persian Gulf, and many of our Society were
called away. I had rented Kenneth Branagh's"Henry V" , and was struck,
switching from the movie to CNN, how little had changed of human nature and
soldiering in many ways. It was the first time  I had friends that were in
the military, and I feared for them,  as we all do. I began to imagine what
it was like for those who were left behind, as our good Queen is now, and
wrote my very first song, called "The Lament of Two Ladies", to express what
was in my heart.  
        Time has passed, and yet again are called to war those good men
among us, including our brave King. And once again shall faithful ladies
watch and worry and wait for their return. I too wish for Her Majesty to
continue to reign over us, Her populace, and know that even the humblest of
us can serve Her, and help, and pray for His Majesty's return as swiftly as
                In service as always, Lady Rosalind Jehanne

The Lament of Two Ladies

As I was a-walking to Glastonbury Faire
	With a hey nonny nonny and a hey nonny no
I spied a noblewoman upon the castle square
	With a hey nonny nonny O!

I hailed her, "Milady, why do ye look so pale"
	With a hey nonny nonny and a hey nonny no
"And gaze ye so sadly across the forest vale?"
	With a hey nonny nonny O!

She said  "Good my lord hath gone off to the war
Fighting for King Richard upon a foreign shore."

Though I be but a maid and ye a high-born dame
Yet in this sad plight, alack we are the same.

I, too have a sweet fighting in that distant land
For our noble King, as a yeoman in his band.

Well I will pray to gracious God on high
That the months and the years will swiftly pass on by.

Till thy lord is restored to his castles and his farms
And my bonnie lad is held once more in my arms.
	With a hey nonny nonny and a hey nonny no
	With a hey nonny nonny O!


    Rosalind Jehanne 
    Paradox Keep in the Shire of Drachentor    
    Or, a Rose Gules, on a Chief Vert Three Suns Or 

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