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Re: Ahem.

Poster: AEdric the Grene <AEdric@mindspring.com>

>Poster: "MTR/AAHR" <wolffe@onslowonline.net>
>It has come to my attention that some of you think I'm a spammer, because I
>relay on info about the upcoming KWAR. If this is so, please inform me, and
>if you no longer wish to receive info on KWAR, or updates, then I will stop
>sending it on.  That of course means, that those the info is intended for
>may never receive it.

I'm assuming you got the "spam" accusations from other lists, since
obviously Atlantia would be interested, it being held in Atlantia and all.
If, however, Atlantians complained about it being on the MR then I am quite
confused.  I know I'm interested in it, since it's probably the only time
KWAR will be held within driving distance from me.  I look forward to
continued updates on KWAR.

AEdric the Grene
Elvegast, Windmaster's Hill, Atlantia

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