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A Stitch in Time

Poster: John Elliott <drjnl@scescape.net>

The Shire of Border Vale Keep would like to remind all the patrons of
the Merry Rose that we have an event coming up June 5 with a garb-making
theme.  "A Stitch in Time" will be held in New Ellenton, SC at the civic
center from 9 AM to 9 PM and will be an excellent opportunity for you to
get caught up on all that garb you need to make for Pennsic.  There will
be several classes taught during the day including The Art of Wrapping a
Sari, Gussets, Cartridge Pleating, Ladies' Hats, Garb without Patterns,
and Pattern Drafting.  If you would like to teach a class, please
contact the autocrat, listed below, up to and including the day of the
event.  This is a really informal event, so we can fit in a class if you
would like to teach.  There will be many resources and references
available for your use, as well as an overhead projector and lots of
butcher paper for patterns.
The dinner will be a potluck and site cost is $5.00 for adults, $2.50
for children 6-12.  
The site is the New Ellenton civic center on Myrtle Street.  Myrtle
Street runs parallel to Hwy 19, which is the main road through town. 
There are permanent signs directing you to the civic center and SCA
signs will be posted at the turnoff from Hwy 19 (between the Chevy
dealer and the RV dealer).  If you have any questions contact the
autocrat, THL Siobhan Eliot (803) 643-0031 or email drjnl@scescape.net. 
Reservations can be made in advance, but are not necessary.  Just show
up with your sewing machine and your projects in progress and let's make
some garb!
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