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Siege of Acre Announcement

Poster: Barbara Bilodeau <carthew@mindspring.com>

My friends,
The announcement for the Siege of Acre is below.

We have a great event planned: lots of fighting, archery, a children's
boffer tournament, a bardic circle, a hofla, and a great group of people
for the "roles" of the historical figures of the time.  For example, Her
Majesty, Queen Niobe, will grace us as Queen Berengaria, wife of King
Richard the Lion Hearted.  A lot of great research has gone into this
event -- I expect it will be interesting as well as entertaining.  Top
this off with a middle eastern feast cooked by Mistress Ursula (can you
say "lamb roast"?)  and this should be a great time.

This is a camping event, but in cabins only.  Fortunately, the cabins
are quite comfortable.  Think of it as a great way to have fun for a
weekend without having to haul out the canvas tents.

Alas, I'm becoming a nervous autocrat:  with just over 3 weeks to go, I
have a grand total of only 33 paid reservations.  Now, I KNOW a LOT of
people are talking about coming to this event, and there is still 3
weeks to go, but even so 33 reservations is a pretty small number for an
event this size.  I'd also like to see some more proof that we aren't
going to lose money.  It would be a shame to cancel this event for lack
of turn-out, but we have only a few more days before our site deposit is
gone for ever.  Thus, in a few more days we have to make the decision to
cancel and cut our losses or take the chance that we'll actually
break-even.  If you're planning to attend, could you let me know that
the check is in the mail?  THANKS for your assistance!

Best wishes,
Anne of Carthew.

June 25, 26, 27 – Siege of Acre
Ponte Alto

June of 1191, Acre.  Since August of 1189, Guy of Jerusalem and the
Crusaders have laid siege to the Saracen city of Acre.  This past
winter, the Saracen forces of Saladin have counter-sieged the Crusaders
and we’ve been at a stalemate.  This weekend, with the arrival of
Richard Coeur de Lion, a temporary truce has been declared.  Both
Saracens and Crusaders will celebrate, feast, and engage in tournaments.
Then we’ll go back to engaging in war.  (Acre eventually surrenders on
July 12th, 1191.)

Join us for a weekend of activities based on these historical events.
When you arrive on site, you must declare your support for either
Richard or Saladin. We encourage you to attend in persona, acting and
dressing appropriate to the role of a Saracen or Crusader in 1191.
Saturday will be spent with tournaments (heavy weapons and archery),
along with foot races and a children’s boffer tournament.  A Tavern will
be open during the day and evening for gaming and dancing.  A sideboard
will be provided for Middle Eastern dishes and appetizers to be shared
during the afternoon.  A prize will given for the most pleasing Middle
Eastern Garb/Accouterment. (The item must be worn at the event, though
not necessarily by you.  Items will be judged on the skill exhibited in
their creation, documentation, and aesthetics.)

A feast (cooked by Mistress Ursula d’Arcy) will be held on Saturday
night by the Saracen hosts, in honor of their Crusader guests.
Performers of Middle Eastern music and dance will be welcomed to show
off their talent and skill in the Saracen camp in the evening.  We
welcome performers – both Saracens and Crusaders – to entertain us at
the campfire on Saturday night.  The war will resume on Sunday, with
siege combat activities.  Please contact Lord Sigurd Haakonson (Scott
McDaniel) with any questions on the Middle Easter sideboard,
garb/accouterment competition, and Middle Eastern performances.

Site information: The site opens at 5pm Friday Jun 25 and will close at
3pm Sunday June 27. Pets must be kept on a leash and will not be
permitted in the cabins or hall.  Discretely wet. No fires are allowed
except at the designated fire circle.  Do not dig any pits or post
holes.  The site will be arranged as a Crusader Camp (Camp A) and
Saracen Camp (Camp B).  Pavilions are welcomed and encouraged in either
camp or surrounding the tourney field, but please be aware that there
are no roads directly into the tourney field. Roads within the site must
be kept open as fire roads.  Fines are stiff, so after unloading please
move your vehicles to the parking lot as soon as possible.  There is
covered a picnic pavilion available for off-board feasting on Saturday

This is a camping event, but accommodations are within cabins only – no
tent camping. No torches are allowed but the Autocrats will ensure there
is appropriate nighttime lighting throughout the camp.  Cabins have beds
and lighting, and there are 2 bathhouses in the camp.  Breakfast will be
provided in the hall on Sunday morning for those who camp.  If you plan
on camping, please indicate your preference for staying in the Crusader
camp or the Saracen camp, and we will try to accommodate your
preferences.  If a group reserves together, we will try to arrange for
your group to be in the same cabin.

For those who wish to attend but are not keen on staying in a cabin,
we’ve arranged for a block of rooms at the nearest hotel, the Ramada
Inn, in Triangle, Virginia.  A double room is $57. Call (703) 221-1181
for reservations, and indicate you are with the SCA. Directions to the
hotel: Take I-95 to take Exit 150 A, Route 619, to the East.  The hotel
is on the left before the first light.

Site Fees: $2 adults, $1 children
Camping Fees:  $2 (adults and children.  A bed is a bed…)
Feast Fees:  $6 adults, $3 children.
Note that if you plan to come on-board and camp, the cost is Site fee
PLUS Camping Fee PLUS feast fee, which is thus $10 for an adult.
Children under 6 are free.

Autocrats and Reservations: Send reservations to Mistress Anne of
Carthew (Barbara Bilodeau), 13456 Cobra Court, Herndon, VA, 20171.  Make
Checks payable to “The Barony of Ponte Alto, SCA, Inc.”  Remember, the
only good reservation is a paid reservation!  Questions: Call Mistress
Anne (703) 437-6271 or Dame Aislynn of Jarrow (Kate Spears) (703)
569-9743.  Addition information is available on our web site:

Directions:  Take your best route to I-95, south of the DC Metropolitan
area.  Take Exit 150 B, Route 619, to the West.  Follow this for 4.5
miles and turn right onto Mawavi Road (Signs indicate an entrance to the
Prince William Forest Park.)  At the split, turn right to follow the
signs to Camp 5.   The troll will be on your left after the parking lot.

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