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RE: Kudos for Emerald Joust

Poster: Anne Moeller <ladyanne@syncon.net>

So does anyone know what PBS is planning to do with all this footage? 

-----Original Message-----
From:	Vernon L. Willet Jr. [SMTP:5555510@home.com]
Sent:	Sunday, May 30, 1999 12:58 PM
To:	Merryrose
Subject:	Kudos for Emerald Joust

It is Sunday afternoon and I have nearly finished unpacking from Emerald 
Joust.  I am thinking back over the event and I would like to offer the 
patrons of the tavern the following thought.  High praise is due to Master 
Terrafan for a well planned and executed event.  A great deal of pleasure 
was evident on every side.  Many people worked diligently throughout the 
day to ensure that a good time would be enjoyed by all.  Much courtesy and 
chivalry was evident on the list fields, but those people laboring in the 
background display their courtesy, as well,  by their selfless actions. 
 Her Majesty shared an emotional moment with the populous at feast, which 
left nary a dry eye in the house.  It is times like these which make me 
realize how lucky I am to be an Atlantean.  Vivat to all involved and 
thanks again for a grand event.  Innkeeper, a round for the house and one 
for the staff.  Distribute the remainder of this purse to those less 
fortunate than we.  Vivat Chivalry, Vivat Courtesy, Vivat Atlantia!  I have 
the honor to be, In Service to Atlantia,  Wehrener von Ingolstadt

Post Scriptum:  PBS got some grand footage as well and will be back for 
more.  W.
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