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Re: *WH* Kingdom War College - Forwarded by request of Misha

Poster: rmhowe <magnusm@ncsu.edu>

Misha is not on Merryrose. Questions regarding the War College
should be directed to livinghistory@hotmail.com. I am merely
passing messages on to the Rose for him. I am not the Autocrat.
All I know is what I've passed to the Rose and WH.

However, I will repost the A&S Schedule and the Acorn Website
with directions for everyone's convenience since I am getting 
questioned by more than one.  Also Jonathan Blackbow has 
written me about his teaching Greatsword at the event. That
has been passed on to Misha as well.

I don't read all day, or every day. You might wait a while
for your answer if you don't ask the guy who asked me to
forward the message. But I'll help within reason. I get well over
a hundred emails a day, you may be down there somewhere. :)

After Wed. I'm refusing to answer any questions as I shall be having
dental surgery, and shan't be speaking to anyone. So there! :P
BTW - Our Library is closed on Wed. for a change for you locals.


Someone just wrote:
> I'm just new so please excuse this if it is an idiotic question..
> What is the schedule for the A&S?

Kingdom War College - Forwarded by request of Misha]
   Date: Mon 7 Jun 1999 
Forwarded for: Shane Brewer <livinghistory@hotmail.com>
               This is Misha. SCA Michael Thomas Sommerfield.

Site opens at 6 pm on Friday June 11 and closes on Sunday at 3pm.
This is a camping event.

* War College A&S classes *

Fingerloop Braiding - Manus McDhai
Limit 10

Beginning Blackwork - Isolte la Bretonne
Limit 10 - fee $1.00

Field Heraldry - Eogan mac Ailpein

War Banners - Arawynn of Ravenhall

The History of the Templars - Nial Dolphin

Basic Italian Renaissance Dress - Anna Sabine
Limit 10 - fee $1.00

Food Poisoning and How to Avoid It - Gisele l'Orpheline

The Knights' Rosary: History and How To - Morr the Merry
Limit 10 - fee $3.00

Basic MOL - Stephania Herring

Tourney Trees - Stephania Herring

Advanced Blackwork - Roxanne Greenstreet
Limit 12 - fee $4.00

In Her Majesty's Secret Service - Roxanne Greenstreet
Fee - $0.25


9:00am Authorizations begin and continue for 1 hour, begin at 11:00am
and end at noon)

10:00am  -  Individual Break Out sessions

Rodrigo Falcone - Begining to Intermediate Polearm Dueling(Glaives and
Johan ColdIron - Florentine
Duke Logan - Intermediate Sword and Board
Gaelon and Julia - Beginning Fighters
Duke Cuan/Duke Anton - Advanced Sword and Board
(still want volunteers for a great sword class)

Atlantian Authorization Practices and Calibration(mandatory for anyone
present that intends to conduct authorizations)
Fundamental Melee Tactics- TBA(or, baptism of fire)

12:00am - Lunch

War Tactics and Assessment
A general practice for the Atlantian Army, led by commanders present, to
exercise fundamental tactics, including but not limited to, specialized 
defense postures, offensive actions, and other means of gory fratricide.

2:00pm - Breakout Sessions

Shield Wall - Duke Cuan
PoleArms - Falcone/Vlad
Spears - Sir ColdIron
Cavalry - Duke Anton/Duke Cuan

3:00pm - Application

A second practice for the Atlantian Army, led by commanders present, to
exercise fundamental tactics, including but not limited to, specialized 
defense postures, offensive actions, and other means of gory fratricide.

4:00pm - 6:00pm

Opportunity Melee - Individual Work

Marshaling Combat in Atlantia - Falcone/Galmr
(required for Apprentice Marshal's and a good idea for Warranted
Marshals to attend) This class assumes you know the rules and standards 
and focuses on active combat marshaling in Atlantia. 
> Also, could you give me a pointer to directions to this fine event?
> Many thanks for your time,
> (Anonymity preserved.)

http://acorn.maxson.com/index.html  Online Acorn
http://acorn.atlantia.sca.org/9906/war_college.html  Event specifics
List Archives, FAQ, FTP:  http://merryrose.atlantia.sca.org/
            Submissions:  atlantia@atlantia.sca.org
        Admin. requests:  majordomo@atlantia.sca.org