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Menu for Feast at Highland River Melees/First Investiture

Poster: Kofryna the Goatherd <kofryna@geocities.com>

Greetings from Lady Kofryna the Goatherd, Coordinator of the Highland
Foorde Cooks Guild. 

Below you will find the menu for the upcoming feast at Highland River
Melees (June 18-20). Feast is limited to 150 gentles, and because of
logistic issues will not be expanded. In a change from previous years, the
feast will not be a buffet, but will be served tableside. There are still
seats left, but they are going quickly. Please send your reservations to
Magda Zaba (Marj Burger) at the address listed in the event announcement.
If you have any questions regarding the dishes listed below, feel free to
drop me a line.

In Service,


1st Remove
Soupes of Strawberys (Chilled Strawberry Mint Soup)
Honey butter
Herb butter
Chese (Cheese)

2nd Remove
Rost Bef in Sauce Mustarde (Beef in mustard sauce)
Egges Boyled (Hardboiled eggs)
Dill pickles

3rd Remove
Mete Y-Forced (Grilled Highland Foorde Sausage)
Tarte of Lekes (Leek Pie)
Insaleggiata di Cipolle  (Roasted Sweet Onion Salad)

4th Remove
Viaunde of Cypres Ryalle (Cold Chicken in a sweet sauce)
Couscous with Oynons Verte (Couscous with spring onions)
Funges (Highland Foorde marinated mushrooms)

5th Remove
Rissoles au Commun (Apple fruit pastries)
Stuffed dates
Highland Foorde shortbread

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