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re: Period sailing ships

Poster: Druid69@aol.com

>Poster: Shannon Keys <skeys@millenicom.com>
>Greetings to the Denizens of the Merry Rose,
>    Could some kind gentle point me in the right direction for finding
>information on period sailing vessels.  I would be interested in later
>period ships that were in use in England & Ireland.  Many thanks!!
>Medb Ui Tigh Mac Domhnaill
>Falcon Cree

You might also look up information from old National Geographics on the 
Voyage of the Brendan, a Thory Hierdahl (sp?) like recreation of the voyage 
of St Brendan from Ireland to the New World.  It is an early period ship, but 
such leather curraghs were used up until modern times, that's how they found 
out how to build it.

Fergus MacDair
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