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RE: Medieval Source for Movie

Poster: Karen Larsdatter <karen@stierbach.atlantia.sca.org>

Katharine Elyzabeth asked:

>Is this the one with Banadras in it? I recall a movie Eaters of 
the Dead
>coming out or did they change the name at the last minute?

Yup, this is the one with Antonio Banderas -- but they've been calling 
it "The Thirteenth Warrior" for some time now.  I think my stockholder's 
report from last year or the year before that featured a little blurb 
about it, using the "Thirteenth Warrior" title -- no, it was from 
the year before that, because this year's report had Tarzan on the 
cover and it would have been last year with that Tree of Life thingie 
on the cover.  So it's been a working title for at least a little 
while ... but it looks like it was supposed to have come out quite 
a while ago, too ;)

So basically, it *is* "The Eaters of the Dead," based on a novel 
by that name by Michael Crichton, but they've been calling it "The 
Thirteenth Warrior" for at least a year or so.  (Before that, the 
working title was "The Vikings.")  They even registered the domain 
name for the working title (but now www.eatersofthedead.com won't 
take you anywhere) ... you can see the website at http://www.the13thwarrior.
com ... its current projected U.S. release date is August 13, but 
it's being released sooner in Europe.  (For those of you keeping 
score, it was filmed mostly in British Columbia.  Now *there's* Viking 
scenery!) ;)

Interesting how they use a similar opening graphic as their current 
biggie release ("Instinct," at http://movies.go.com) ... ;)


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