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Re: A question for Ianthe (fwd)
NOTE: If you send mail to owner-atlantia-l@netcom.com, it
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Tanner Lovelace | lovelace@netcom.com | D / C / Fence
Arlington | lovelace@capaccess.org | ()~ --+-\\ Fence
Virginia | lovelace@cuc.edu | / > | \ Fence
Per chevron argent and azure, a wolf passant
sable between two compass roses conterchanged.
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Wed, 8 Mar 95 08:49:00 PST
From: Jack Helm <jackhe@microsoft.com>
To: owner-atlantia-l@netcom.com
Subject: Re: A question for Ianthe
Dearest Lady,
You know me not, My name is Micheal Ryan of York. I would not normally post
unless the urge is so strong as to overwhelm my willpower but I could
not resist
at least trying to know. Thus my direct e-mail to you.
First I have to say that you use about one of the loveliest names I
have ever heard
and I believe that more so now that I know how the first is spoken
properly. But now
I *must* attempt this second name in hopes that you will tell me how
close I am (or
Thank you for your indigence. I would also gather that you were very
young when you
sat the throne for I have a hard time envisioning you as older than
myself now. I had
originally thought of you as perhaps 26 or so. But this was obviously
simply an incredibly
active imagination since I don't belie we have ever met.
Your presence on the list has given it a touch of class that it lacked
before, (though, as I
interact with many of the folks on a day to day basis, please keep that
to yourself <g>)
and I hope to watch for more from you.
respectfully hanging on your next post,
Micheal Ryan.
From: <Kim.Salazar@em.doe.gov>
To: <corun@access.digex.net>; <atlantia-l@netcom.com>
Subject: Re: A question for Ianthe
Date: Tuesday, March 07, 1995 9:26AM
Corun, having met me only via the Ether, wishes to know how my name is
There has of late arisen a great debate between myself, Henry Best, and a
few others here, which you may be able to lay to rest once and for all....
Eye-auntie (though a Countess, I doubt you're as venerable as
some alledgedly aged Dukes that do inhabit here
and are called Grandpa by some who live a safe
distance away)
or perhaps the I is pronounced as the Greeks do, as a J, and you're called;
I tend to favour this last one, as you have proven on more than one
occasion to have a jaunty wit and manner.
So if you please, could you clear up this small matter for us? As They
say (whoever They are), inquiring minds want to know.
In service,
Corun (fully expecting to be told it's pronounced like it's spelled)
To Corun, from Ianthe,
To your great relief and Duke Frederick of Holland's chagrin, neither
my first nor last names are pronounced the way they're spelled.
Frederick was herald at Fernando's coronation, and throughout the
ceremony never pronounced my name the same way twice. Each time he
had to say it, he got redder and redder, and laughter in the room got
louder and louder. He still uses my name as an Object Lesson for New
Court Heralds.
I don't have much of a persona, preferring to be a Character, instead.
You are correct in pointing out the Greek origin of the name. When I
started out, I decided to be a scholar's daughter, part of the general
flood of intellectual refugees from Spain, around 1490-1520 or so. A
professor of Greek at Brandeis helped find "Ianthe" and told me the
name meant "dark flower". My arms feature a black rose.
He also said that it was likely in the cultural context I was looking
at, the name would have been wildly mispronounced. It would have been
a "french-ified" pronounciation of the "spanish-ized" greek original;
and an accent ague (spelling) would have popped up over the "e" (not
on my keyboard). He posited "Eee-an-thay". Sounded wonderfully
confusing but good to me.
As far as being venerable, I am "older" than most of your venerated
Dukes, having been Eastern Queen in AS XII.
To pronouce my last name, you (and Frederick) are on your own. I'll
give you a hint - no accents.
Ianthe(') d'Averoigne kim.salazar@em.doe.gov
(Proven in public to be older than dirt and impossible to pronounce)