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Re: Re[4]: Ianthe and Linguistics

At 11:00 AM 3/10/95 -0500, Kim.Salazar@em.doe.gov wrote:

>     His step was quite sprightly, his ankles trim, and his voice rang out 
>     well in assembly.  Appearances can be deceiving, though.  Does his 
>     vigorous demeanor truly mask a vast and unimaginable age?
>     -Ianthe                                    kim.salazar@em.doe.gov

If truth be told, I know not of what age Lord Henry Best is from. Being from
the early 1500's myself, he could very well be younger than I. But then, if
he is from the Crusades, he would qualify as an "heirloom" at least. Did you
notice any twitches when the word artifact was used? I'm sorry...I wasn't
being observant, myself.


Charlene Noto  Internet:deirdre@cybernetics.net CIS: 75374,3154
SCA: Deirdre of Boolteens, Barony of Sacred Stone
Vert, On a Chevron Or, Three Butterflies Sable, In Chief Erminois