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Coronation Guard Duty

Greetings! Yes, this follows hard on the heels of my first
announcement, but Lord Hawkyns requested a separate
announcement, so here it is.
We need people to stand guard at the gates to the camps. There
will be a guard house (at least there was going to be one, last
I heard), and cool spears to hold, and some kind of regalia to
wear. Both men and women are welcome, and you DO NOT have to be
a fighter to stand guard. This is a purely ceremonial position.
Basically, you stand there and look good, maybe direct
non-Scadians away from the camps if they try to get in, and
salute crown- and coronet-wearing types when they appear.
Shifts are a minimum of one hour, tho' if you care to do more,
either at once or at intervals, we ain't gonna stop ya. We'll
probably clap and jump up and down. Well, mentally, at least :)
If you'd like to volunteer for this, contact me at


You can go ahead and say when you'd like to stand guard, we can
start making a schedule now. We will definitely need people to
stand Friday afternoon, so to those of you who live near King's
Mountain, HELP! I'm fairly sure there will be guard duty at
night, so to those night-lovin' types, HELP!

In service,
Elenore Spyrling