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Coronation help, last call

Howdy y'all! It's been a day, I'm punchy, so ignore the dialect
This is the last call for "preregistered" volunteers. Of
course, if you show up at Coronation and say "I want to help,"
we'll take you! But, for organizational purposes, we need to
know how many of those who are actually coming, definitely,
positively coming to Coronation, who are going to volunteer. To
those of you who have contacted me already, contact me again to
say you're definitely attending. Also, let me know if you have
a preference in area for helping in. Ohhh, bad, bad English. At
any rate. We still need people to sit Troll and stand Guard
Duty. Guard Duty lasts one hour and is strictly ceremonial;
Troll lasts two hours and is whatever you make it :) Kitchen
help would be appreciated, as would a few bodies with good
lungs for crying the tourneys.
For those who would like to sign up for Troll, contact either
me at


or Lady Rhiannon ui Niall at


Please try to do so as soon as possible.
My heartfelt thanks to those who have already volunteered their
time, and to those who bravely decide to jump into the fray now

In service to the dream and the caffeine,
Elenore Spyrling
Shire of Drachentor