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Coronation help

I sent this off before, but evidently it didn't make it. The
one on guard duty did, though... So here it is:
This is the last call for volunteers over the Net. We need to
know how many of you, who are definitely, positively attending
Coronation next weekend, will be offering your services. We are
in still-desperate need of people to sit Troll, anytime from
Friday afternoon until about 5pm on Saturday. For those
interested in this, either contact me or Lady Rhiannon ui Niall
We should have enough people to cry camps. What we need now are
people to herald the tourneys. All interested should contact me.
Guard duty is still open. 
Kitchen help would be greatly appreciated; very few have shown
an interest in this.
Also, if anyone living near to King's Mountain can stay and
help with clean-up on Sunday, we need you!
And of course, if you show up next weekend and just say "Put me
somewhere," we'll be glad of the help! Drag your friends along!

It's been brought to my attention that attempts to contact the
Autocrat have been made, with little success. If it's
desperate, tell me what's up. I can use a roundabout way of
getting some kind of message to him. He will not be reachable
this weekend, though.

In service,
Elenore Spyrling
Shire of Drachentor