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New enchanted ground: The Monastery

Have you ever thought to yourself, "Hmmm, I wonder what it was like to live 
in a period monastery?  To move through the cycle of the daily offices; to live 
simply; to share the daily tasks with others in a community?"

I have.  But I also know I have no real call to live such a life on a permanent
basis.  But a *temporary* basis is another thing altogether.  So I thought I 
would toss out the following idea to see if there is interest enough to pursue 

At Pennsic XXV ('96), I would like to have an enchanted ground camp called 
The Monastery.  In order that both men and women could participate, the camp 
would be modelled on the double monasteries that existed early in period.  (Yes, 
this would require segregation by sex for sleeping arrangements.)  We would have 
an abbot or abbess (whose job it would be to organize the common duties).  We 
would have a (non-sacramental) cycle of prayer services.  (More on that later.)  
We might have habits, though I can't imagine wearing them all day every day.  We 
would probably have a library.  We wouldn't be cloistered, silent, or flagellant.

Other details would have to be ironed out later (e.g, communal or individual meal 
preparation) or left to individual discretion (whether or not to sleep on a 
real straw matress).

The stickiest (but most important) part of this idea remains the religious 
services.  I take my religion seriously (but not too solemnly).  So this would 
be real, honest-to-goodness Christianity; not just play-acting.  I hope that 
members of all denominations would be interested in participating.  As such, 
I would work hard to ensure that the daily offices would be acceptable 
to Catholics and Protestants alike.  Again, because this wouldn't be elaborate 
make-believe, there would be no pretense of sacramental functions (no Communion,
confessions, baptisms, etc.)  All the services would be those that historically 
have been conducted by the laity or non-ordained monks/nuns.

And for those who inevitably will contend that this idea runs contrary to 
Corpora, bear in mind that participating in The Monstary would not be compulsary 
and would, to the greatest extent possible, not intrude itself on the activities 
of those around it.

So, what do you think?  Would anyone be interested in joining me in this 
enterprise?  If so (or if not for specific reasons) please let me know via e-mail 
(rather than just posting to the net).  Thanks.

-- Dan Carey                    --  Pascal Merredy  
-- carey@reston.unisysgsg.com   --  Anglican@aol.com