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[fp458@cleveland.Freenet.Edu: Pennsic Classes]
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From: fp458@cleveland.Freenet.Edu (Elise A. Fleming)
To: gc429@po.CWRU.Edu
Subject: Pennsic Classes
Date: Sun, 09 Apr
Greetings! I'm going to download the notice I put on Rialto.
While I have a small form to hand out, it isn't necessary as long
as all the information is there. We are getting filled up but
there are still some slots and there is room in the Early Bird
session, Sat Aug 12 and Sun Aug. 13. Haven't had many people other
than East and Middle volunteer to teach.
This is the second call for instructors to teach classes at
Pennsic XXIV. If you are interested in teaching a class
please send me the following information either via e-mail
or regular mail: Name (both SCA and modern); current
address, telephone, title of the class and a brief description,
fee (if any); length of the class; limitation on size; the kingdom
you are from and your local group's name. I would also
appreciate knowing any SCA titles you wish publicized. The
ABSOLUTE deadline is May 1. All scheduling is done on a
"first come, first served" basis. I will also keep a list of classes
that can "fill in" for any cancellations that may occur between
May and August, so if you want to teach, let me know!
Besides the above information, please include anything I may
need to know for scheduling such as "I will arrive on Wed-
nesday," "I need electricity," "I can't teach opposite X
battle," and so on. You will receive a confirmation postcard
when I get your application. Nearer to Pennsic (in July?) you
will receive additional information regarding your teaching date,
time, and location.
As A & S Class Coordinator I would like to try holding some
classes on the Saturday and Sunday (August 12 and 13) before
the "official" week. Last year there were many people already
on site, and while shopping was fun, it might be interesting to
go to a class or two. If you are willing to teach a class on either
of these days, please let me know. At this time I am requesting
that you would plan to repeat your class during the "official"
week so that those who don't arrive early will still have a chance
to take your class.
Classes during War Week run from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. If, because
of special equipment needs, you need to teach your class in your
encampment, please include that information. You and I will need
to make arrangements for publicizing the class location at War.
If you are a merchant and wish to teach a class, please plan on
teaching in one of the A & S tents.
I am open to suggestions on how to improve the A & S environ-
ment at Pennsic. You are welcome to send e-mail or write tome:
Elise Fleming, 3950 Walter Road, North Olmsted, OH 44070-2111.
I hope you find the "perfect" class this year for your interests!
Alys Katharine, O.L., O.P.
--------- John Strauss gc429@cleveland.freenet.edu ---------
University Atlantia #38 is April 8th at Rencester on the William
and Mary Campus. The Catalog was mailed March 24. I _still_ need
bids for UA39, July 1st. Henry Best, UA Chancellor