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Hindscroft Information

A thousand Pardons for taking up bandwith with this personal reply, but 
apparently this gentle has some problem with his email address, so I post my 
reply here to the Rose...

Liam posts:
>I am an Atlantian of old (Liam of Elvegast aka Bill Farrar, for those 
>who might remember me).
>I moved from Elvegast after troubles in my schooling and have at last 
>alighted in Hindscroft.  I met the local people here at a convention, 
>but never learned when or where they met.  
>After all these years--it's been 8 years--I really want to get back 
>in touch.  Anyone know where they meet & when?
>My thanks to all who created the WWW servers and this list that 
>helped me find Atlantia again.

Greetings, Liam!

I think the Shire meets on the Last Sunday of the Month, exactly where I am 
not sure, but you can contact Tohoku Oshirobushi at 910-760-9136
 (John Sellers, 4050-E Huntingreen Lane Winston-Salem, NC)
to find out the latest.. I was very involved in the group, but have pulled 
myself back from the local group for a while....
You can also pass to Tohoku that I'm still wanting the shire newsletter, if 
he's still publishing it...

Daoud al-Bodmani
| David K. Bodman <OBS-ARRL> <AEC-ARES> <SCA> <UU> <FIDONET> <FOLKM>   |
| Snail: P. O. Box 77108, Greensboro, NC 27417-7108 910-333-2162x800#  |
| InNet: dkbodman@infi.net / dkb@f3.n3654.z1.fidonet.org (DIRECT)      |
| HmPkt: KD4CLJ@WB4WOR.#GSO.NC.USA.NA - All Standard disclaimers apply.|
| FAX: 910-333-2162x329#  BBS:910-333-2163 -*- -** ****- -*-* *-** *---|