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Re: toot toot

Oh now, milord Gregory!

	Congratulations on your pun and on James' reaction!  I love a good pun 
myself .... remind me to tell you of the one I perpetrated upon my lord once, 
which ended with an _utterly_ innocent declaration of: "And when I find 
someone who makes these things modernly, I can have them make you a red hair 
ring from my shorn locks!"  <Very Big Wicked Grin ....>

	But--but--to toot your horn and then not tell us the pun?????


	(I am now seeing scenes in my mind's eye--and I have a sick mind--of 
the Monty Python sketch about the use of words in battle .... anyone remember 
that?  WW1 scenes and trench warfare, using a translation of something into 
German .... silly!)

	C'mon now, give.  What was the pun?  Set it up for us and inflict it--
unless you fear it might do us all in???  :-)


> At the risk of becoming boastful, I must report this achievement to 
> the world: 
> At St. Dorothea's Day, I told a pun to James of Rutland that was so 
> bad that he turned beet red and was speechless for several minutes. 
> And it wasn't even obscene. I will be forwarding it to the Kingdom 
> Warlord for use during Pennsic. 
> Yours in service, 
> Gregory Blount of Isenfir 