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G&PD #6 and Thomas' Letter

     Greetings from Caroline Forbes, lurking out here in Calontir!
     I feel that I must interject that the 3 paragraphs in the May 1995 
     Acorn (page 2, 1st 3 paragraphs) are nearly verbatim with what the 
     Seneschal of Calontir AND the Seneschal of the Middle wrote in recent 
     letters. Specifically, all have quoted G&PD #6, mentioned using 
     "middle ages" instead of "medieval" and commented on black cloaks at 
     Hmm. Do you think that all three of these gentles, all within a couple 
     of months, independently thought of this topic? No. It seems that 
     Duchess Sedalia, Society Seneschal, felt it important that the Kingdom 
     Seneschals discuss this hot topic.
     Why? I don't know. I wasn't at the Kingdom Seneschals meeting at 
     Estrella, where it was discussed. Perhaps you should ask Thomas (who 
     wasn't there) or Sedalia (who ran the meeting).
     So, continue to discuss the topic, but remember that Thomas didn't 
     originate the discussion. It has broader exposure.
     I remain, ever in Service,
     Just this Chick from Atlantia via the East now living in Calontir.