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Canceled Event

Greetings to all Merry Roser's from Lord Tirloch of Tallaght, deputy
autocrat of the Archery and War Collegium.

Good people, I am the sad bearer of unhappy news!

The Archery and War Collegium that has been scheduled for 12-14 May 1995
has been canceled. The camping event was going to use a school in Middleburg,
VA. Unfortunately, the athletic department of this school had scheduled a
soccer competition for the same weekend. We found out about this conflict this
morning and negotiations were unsuccessful to reach closure for having the
spiff event with 300-500 soccer folks sharing the fields of honor.

My lady wife, the troll, Lady Anne of Carthew, will be returning paid reserva-
tions to the folks who had sent in a check. Lady Anne's email is
Barbara_Bilodeau@sra.com for anyone who wants the check destroyed vice returned.

Please contact one and all and pass the word at this weekend's Crown Tourney
that the event is no more.

On behalf of the autocrat, Lord Hreodbeorht, and his staff as well as the 
Barony of Ponte Alto, I wish to thank everyone who was planning to attend this
COOL camping event.

In service to the Society,
