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Re: Rope Beds

Achbar asks:
>  How sturdt are these beds please?  Can they support a man of 250+ 
>pounds such as myself. 

My platform bed has served under Gyrth and Melisande, and Gyrth is
a man beside whom mere 250+ pound gentlemen pale in comparison.
(The weight of years, I believe.  Or is it the press of duty?  Or
maybe just his Ducal Stature that so oppresses the earth?  Overwhelming
wisdom?  Nahhhhh....)

(Young Punk Earl ducks and runs for cover, hoping Gyrth doesn't
read this post until AFTER Mudhockey tomorrow.... He may not be able
to catch me very often, but I've seen some of my squires come off
the Mudhockey court with chain-link-fence impressions on their whole
bodies after Gyrth tries to make them become one with the boards :^)
