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Emerald Joust

Greetings good folk, especially my good lady Elayne.

You had asked what and where is Emerald Joust. Emerald Joust is
one of if not the largest tournament held in Atlantia and it is
held in the Barony of Caer Mear (Richmond, Virginia area). More specifically, Camp Brady
Saunders Boy Scout Camp. It will be on Memorial Day weekend
with the site opening on Friday and closing on Monday. On
Saturday there will be both a heavy and a duello list with the
most chivalrous fighters receiving Emeralds as the prize and
the overall winners receiving Sapphires as the prize. On Sunday
there will be a Passage of Arms tournament and there will be

There will be feasts on both Sat. and Sun. nights. There is a
lake with a swimming dock and a lot of room to camp. On Sunday
night Lochmere and Caer Mear co-host a lawn party with croquet,
bocce, and an assortment of other games, music, etc. It is
always a lot of fun. Last year there were over 600 people there and most people didn't know

If anyone
has any other questions I will be glad to answer them. If you
need to contact the autocrat, Mistress Marenna, she can be reached at (804)
275-2798. Warning: don't ask to make reservations by phone
-she'll say no! 

Hoping you will attend,

Baroness of Caer Mear