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Poetry and Politics

Unto my fellow patrons at the Merry Rose, a hearty hello.

I cannot find it in my heart to condemn this fellow overmuch, save that his
poetry is poor and his opinions, in my opinion, unfounded.

Those who know me will recall my own activity over the last year and a half
(by heaven, has it really been that long?) regarding the Board.  I have
written, from the first day, much political poetry in this matter.  In all
cases, I have put my name upon it.

I believe this is the just and honorable thing to do.  But do not deceive
yourselves that we are an open-minded community capable of tolerating
dissent.  While I considered it high praise to receive the curses of the King
of Calontir, for example (although I had not addressed him personally, but
all crowns I thought to be waivering in the struggle), I would not willing
set foot in Calontir or the Middle.  Nor did I find it pleasnat to read the
email that followed.  Yes, folk have the right to say as they wish, but I do
not love venom.  (Nor do I think it appropriate to, on the one hand, say that
we permit debate upon these matters, then to heap personal abuse on those who
dare to question policy.)

So I cannot find it in me to condemn someone for being human.  Let this
persons words stand.  That enough people attest to their falshood is enough.
 The fact that they are bad poetry ensure they'll not be heard again.

How brave to sit in burning righteous wrath
Condemning one for feeling human fear
How noble it must be, this perfect path
You follow with your fellows sitting near
How each your brother's virtue you must chear
Such courage and such fine nobility
To curse the weak for sake of chivalry

Oh brotherhood of honor that you share
(No room within your hearts for sympathy)
To boldly smite this fellow who would dare
To mock one in this manner cowardly
Oh what a vengance on this dastardly
Knave shall you prepare.  Does this then show
How brave you are, so all the world shall know

Your honor is unblemished by such base
Feelings as compasion for the frail
Or weak of spirit? Yes, make great haste
To condemn this villain!  In this fashion,
Show honor unalloyed with base compasion.

Mar Yaakov HaMizrachi ben Avraham Arye