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Re: Emerald Joust

On Wed, 31 May 1995, chuck graves wrote:

> >I don't know which side won (I'm not sure anyone knows)
> Konrad, cambock is neither won nor lost--only enjoyed. As Dafydd often 
> points out, goals are irrelevant--it's the highlight films that count. 

True, true!  In cambok, such things as teams, boundrys and the score are 
meaningless.  As was stated at the Emerald Joust game, the teams were 'Us 
vs Them' and the score was '6 to J'.  And great fun (if wet and muddy) 
was had by all.  

And the new sticks are great!

* "'Cause I'm the god of destruction, that's why!" - Susano Orbatos,Orion * 
*                              Michael Surbrook                           *
*     susano@access.digex.net / surbrook@aol.com / Surbrook (AOL only)    *
*            Attacked Mystification Police / AD Police / ESWAT            *
* Society for Creative Anachronism / House ap Gwystl / Company of St.Mark *