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Re: Emerald Joust
> > >I don't know which side won (I'm not sure anyone knows)
> >
> > Konrad, cambock is neither won nor lost--only enjoyed. As Dafydd often
> > points out, goals are irrelevant--it's the highlight films that count.
> True, true! In cambok, such things as teams, boundrys and the score are
> meaningless. As was stated at the Emerald Joust game, the teams were 'Us
> vs Them' and the score was '6 to J'. And great fun (if wet and muddy)
> was had by all.
> And the new sticks are great!
But Aelfgar Greyseas (he of the Low Profile<tm>), still maintains that
Cambok will never become a truly interesting sport until the introduction
of archery. But then Aelfgar doesn't get out much.
In service,
Corun MacAnndra | What's coming at you,
Dark Horde by birth | is coming from you.
Moritu by choice | Jack Flanders